Yorksofabingdon.com is moving to www.pepperdellyorkies.com
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Our site www.yorksofabingdon.com is now moving to our new site.  Please be sure to bookmark or add our web address to your favorites.  We hope new name will stop alot of confusion between the two names.  When we first started in yorkies "yorksofabingdon"  suited our needs, but as we have grown in the breed and getting more into learning about, breeding, and exhibiting our dogs we have decided to go with a kennel name of Pepperdell.  This name means something old and something new in our hearts and the start of what has become a true passion in our lives.  We are proud to present our site and kennel name "Pepperdell Yorkies" and you will be able to find us at http://www.pepperdellyorkies.com . 
All our dogs bred, shown and kept by us will carry the Pepperdell kennel name. 
Thank you for your patience during our transition and developing our new site.
Clyde, Kelly and The Yorkies

pepperdellyorkies@yahoo.com http://www.pepperdellyorkies.com